Welcome to MIDI-Crackers midi-flutes

The private Home of Peter’s DIY Midi-Flutes and additional gadgets

We have discontinued the commercial production of our midi flutes and closed our business.

Lots of new legal regulations and admission requirements have made massively new versions of our midi flutes extremely difficult. Since we do not produce in huge numbers, this would greatly increase our costs per flute and make the product considerably more expensive. In addition, there is a huge paper and approval effort that has no relation to the products. This means that innovative products can hardly be financed.
Since I want to retire slowly for reasons of age and none of my children want to take over the business, there is only one step left to do, closing the shop.

This page will remain and will soon be expanded with many new reports dealing with the topic of blowing instruments, sound generation, synthesizers etc.

Furthermore I will present my new flutes and other projects, but only in a purely private context. If there is a model here and there that I want to sell, I will report about it.

In this sense


Peter Matschke

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