New Pocket Sista Modell 2017:
The design has changed. It looks like the BigOne, but is without Display only 4 cm in width and rd. 26 cm long.
We will inform you about the new prices in the next few days.
The Midi-Flute has the same technical specs as the 2016 Pocket Sista with following changes:
- It has the fast CPU on board.
- The Pocket Sista 2017 has Halftone up and Halftone down button
- The new Midi Flute has Pitchbend up/down and Vibratocontroller integrated.
- As Option, we can deliver the Midi-Flute with a display. With an ordered display, the flute is longer (rd. 30/32 cm – We need the space for the display :)).
First look at our Proto SlideWhistle (The new Bro):
Specs: 4 Octave SlideWhistle